Yard Waste Pickup

Event Date: 
Wednesday, June 1, 2022 (All day)

All vegetative waste including grass clipping, leaves, twigs, garden refuse, shrub trimmings & tree branches up to four inches in diameter and four feet long must be recycled.

Plastic bags are prohibited for vegetative waste. Yard waste to be collected MUST be in large paper bags, hard reusable containers or branches tied in bundles. Maximum container size is 32 gallons.

Paper Bags are available at Borough Hall for 3 for $1 or up to 15 bags for $5. Up to 30 bags can be purchased per household per season (spring, fall). Checks and money orders only, the Borough no longer accepts cash. 

DO NOT stack loose vegetative waste at the curb.

DO NOT dump vegetative waste into storm basins, brooks, streams or any waterway.